Newborn prep image
Congratulations you’re a parent!!

Your newborn is so precious to you. Tiny & fragile from their cute button noses to their tiny toes….

Planning and preparing for a newborn session can be so stressful, especially if you are a new parent. You probably have a million questions about how a newborn session works.

But Bohemian Photography has taken quite a lot of that stress away by being a mobile service that comes straight to your door.

“ What the HELL should I wear.”
You just had a baby, your probably feeling battered, bruised and above all tired! So do not stress. Don’t want to brush your hair…fine, Have sick stains on your t-shirt…. Great, can’t be bothered to tidy up…. neither can I most days. I will not be coming to judge you or your home.

Because we want the baby sleepy for the session. I recommend that you try to keep your baby awake for one hour prior to the session. I know this will be difficult, but do your best, it will be worth it!

Try and dress your baby in loose fitting clothes that buttons in the middle, try avoiding clothing, which goes over the head.
We love “milk drunk” babies! So please feed them right before I arrive. A full baby is always best. We may ask you to nurse (or feed) the baby during our session if they start to get Grumpy.

During the session we need to have the room quiet to keep the baby asleep. If you have other children that might create noise, try to find a sitter that can take them out for a few hours whilst we finish babies’ photographs, all parent and sibling shots will be taken as soon as I arrive. We will create white noise throughout the session to soothing the baby. Only those being photographed should be at the session.

Babies Love Heat!
Newborns are used to being in 98.6-degree temp of your womb. So we want them to be comfortable when we get those cute naked baby shots. Heat also helps them sleep better. We will be so uncomfortably hot, but the baby will love it!

I have a small collection of blankets, wraps, baskets, knit hats and headbands available for parents to use. You are also welcome to use any of your own props. Items with colour and texture help make unique images. If you have toys, hats or family heirlooms you would like to use in the session, please let me know so I can advise on what will work best.

Prepping Baby
Relax! I am comfortable working with newborns. The baby may get fussy, but I will get great shots; sometimes it just takes time to calm down the little bundle of joy. I let the baby take the lead. Sometimes the baby will need to eat, get a new diaper and just need to cuddle with mama. Babies know when the parents are stressed; so keeping the environment mellow and calm helps to keep the baby calm.

Shit happens! 
Literally! Because the baby will be naked we may see them use the blankets as a diaper/nappy. It is ok. I clean up and move on. There is no need to feel embarrassed. I have been peed on before it’s not a problem! It would be helpful if you had a few old towels, extra wipes and blankets on hand just in case things get messy.

If you follow the above instructions on prepping your baby we will most likely have a successful shoot. But remember, do not be overwhelmed if your baby is cranky or will not “cooperate” . I will still get as many amazing photograph’s as I can that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Jennifer xoxox